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  • Please Note
  • Once you submit your email request to our team, you will receive an automated response from our system. The system automatically allocates you a ticket number and sends a response back to you with this number.
  • If you need more assistance from us before we respond, simply quote this number when you call us.
  • Once you get this automated response, you can rest assured that the team have received your email and will respond back to you as soon as they can.
  • Please do not send multiple tickets without referencing the original ticket - did you know we get around 100 + emails a day for parts ID and keeping the one email communication ensure we do not miss your needs.
  • If you have multiple needs, simply send separate queries for each product category - once you have the relevant product SKU's you can then place one order.
  • By submitting an image to us for parts ID, you are providing us with access to this information for use on our site or social media platforms. We guarantee we will only use images for the website to assist other customers with parts identification. No names or identifying images of you will be used without permission on our website or social media awareness platforms. Should you not grant use of your images please advise us on your submission for our assistance.